Centro de Medicina y ComplejidadCentro de Medicina y Complejidad Centro de Medicina y ComplejidadCentro de Medicina y Complejidad
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The Philosophers of Ecology

Autor: David Macauley



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Greening Philosophy

and Democratizing Ecology

David Macauky

Nature as Artifact: Thomas Hobbes,

the Bible, and Modernity

Frank Cokman

Charles Fourier: Proto-Red-Green

Joan Roelofs

Martin Heidegger: Antinaturalistic Critic

of Technological ~ o d k r n i t ~

Michael E. Zimmerman

Merleau-Ponty and the Voice of the Earth

David Abram

Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Place: 102

From Earth Alienation to Oikos

David Macauley

Ernst Bloch, Natural Rights, and the Greens 134

John Ely

"The Outcry of Mute Things": Hans Jonass 167

Imperative of Responsibility

Lawrence Vogel

Chapter Eight Domination and Utopia: Marcuses

Discourse on Nature, Psyche, and Culture

Henry T. Blanke

Chapter Nine Lewis Mumford, the ~ o r h t e Anm erican 209

Environmentalist: An Essay in


Ramachandra Guha

Chapter Ten Change and Continuity in Environmental 229

World-View: The Politics of Nature

in Rachel Carsons Siknt Spring

Yaakov Garb

Chapter Ekven The Commoner-Ehrlich Debate:


and the Politics of Survival

Andrew Feenberg

Chapter Twebe The Problem of Nature in Habermas

Joel Whitebook

Chapter Thirteen Social Ecology and Social Labor:

A Consideration and Critique

of Murray Bookchin

Alan Rudy and Andrew Light


Imprimir Artículo

Licenciatura en Informática - Editora Principal - Centro de Medicina y Complejidad - ISCM "Carlos J. Finlay"
dirección entre calles. Reparto, Camagüey, Código Postal Cuba
Telefs: (537)telef Horario de atención: 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m., de Lunes a Viernes