jueves, 25 de abril de 2024
Portal de Infomed
Total de artículos: 151 mostrando: 61 - 70

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Disaster Preparedness Planning: Toolkit

Disaster Preparedness Planning: Toolkit. O?Meara, Claire. Londres; Y Care International; 2010. 64 p. tab, mapas.

The Disaster Preparedness Planning Toolkit has been designed to accompany the Guide to Disaster Preparedness Planning, and should be used in conjunction with the information provided in the Guide.

The Toolkit itself is a set of 17 participatory activities and tools intended to support learning, encourage discussion and analyses information related to disaster preparedness. It also contains 13 tables and templates designed to help present information gathered through the course of the participative activities and other information gathering exercises for inclusion in the written Disaster preparedness plan.

Total de artículos: 151 mostrando: 61 - 70

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: Editor principal - Especialista de I Grado en Medicina General Integral, Técnico Medio en Meteorología y Radioaficionado | Centro Latinoamericano de Medicina de Desastres, ¨Dr. Abelardo Ramírez Marquez¨, MINSAP | Calle 18 No. 710 e/ 29 y 7ma. Miramar, Ciudad de La Habana, 11300 Cuba | Telefs: (537) 2023636 Horario de atención: 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., de Lunes a Viernes

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