viernes, 19 de abril de 2024
Portal de Infomed
Total de artículos: 151 mostrando: 51 - 60

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Children on the Frontline: A child-centred complement to the report of the Global Network of NGOs: Views from the Frontline

Children on the Frontline: A child-centred complement to the report of the Global Network of NGOs: Views from the Frontline. D., Walden; Hawrylyshyn, K; Hall, N. s.l; World Vision International, Plan International; 2010. 44 p. ilus, tab, graf.
The experience of NGOs, including Plan International and World Vision International, confirms that children, who represent 50% of the world?s population, can and do play invaluable roles in planning and implementing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation activities. In spite of this evidence, children are, by and large, excluded from the activities that contribute to building the resilience of their local communities.
Children must be engaged as a vital part of the civil society mechanism that monitors HFA progress, which the Views from the Frontline survey have sought to establish. This report describes key findings from a global survey which was designed to validate this argument.

Total de artículos: 151 mostrando: 51 - 60

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: Editor principal - Especialista de I Grado en Medicina General Integral, Técnico Medio en Meteorología y Radioaficionado | Centro Latinoamericano de Medicina de Desastres, ¨Dr. Abelardo Ramírez Marquez¨, MINSAP | Calle 18 No. 710 e/ 29 y 7ma. Miramar, Ciudad de La Habana, 11300 Cuba | Telefs: (537) 2023636 Horario de atención: 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., de Lunes a Viernes

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