martes, 23 de abril de 2024
Portal de Infomed
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Risk reduction and emergency preparedness WHO six-year strategy for the health sector and community capacity development

Risk reduction and emergency preparedness WHO six-year strategy for the health sector and community capacity development. World Health Organization,  2007.

The health impact of emergencies and crises can be substantially reduced if both national and local authorities and communities in high-risk areas are well prepared and are able to reduce the level of their vulnerabilities and the health implications of their risks. International initiatives by the humanitarian community are geared increasingly towards supporting this objective. The challenge is to put in place systematic capacities such as legislation, plans, coordination mechanisms and procedures, institutional capacities and budgets, skilled personnel, information, and public awareness and participation that can measurably reduce future risks and losses.

Total de artículos: 151 mostrando: 31 - 40

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: Editor principal - Especialista de I Grado en Medicina General Integral, Técnico Medio en Meteorología y Radioaficionado | Centro Latinoamericano de Medicina de Desastres, ¨Dr. Abelardo Ramírez Marquez¨, MINSAP | Calle 18 No. 710 e/ 29 y 7ma. Miramar, Ciudad de La Habana, 11300 Cuba | Telefs: (537) 2023636 Horario de atención: 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., de Lunes a Viernes

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